Supporting Irish Gay Dads & Dads to Be

A Space For Irish Gay Dads & Dads to Be

At Irish Gay Dads, we're proud to provide a safe and nurturing space where gay fathers and fathers-to-be can connect, share experiences, and celebrate the joys of fatherhood. Our vibrant community is dedicated to supporting, empowering, and inspiring you every step of the way, from your journey to fatherhood to the challenges and triumphs of raising your children.

Follow us on Facebook, Instagram or X (Twitter) for the latest news. Or message us to be added to the WhatsApp group and connect with other gay dads across Ireland.


Despite Minister Stephen Donnelly's repeated assurances, the legislation aimed at safeguarding families created via surrogacy through an amendment to the Assisted Human Reproduction Bill remains undrafted and unenacted.

We are tired of empty promises and need tangible action to safeguard our loved ones.

How can I help?

Follow us on and share our #NoMoreDelays posts